Next 4-Day Sale
Next Regular Board Meeting
February 5, 2025, 10:00 AM at the library
Visit Us At The Library
160 North Main Street, Milpitas
And don't forget to visit The Nook for great deals on used books every day. All titles 50% off every Sunday.
Volunteering for the Friends
There are many opportunities to volunteer. We need help setting up and operating our various sales. In addition, we always need help in the Friends Work Room. This requires a more regular committment of time, but is vitally important as we process the continual book donations we receive. And, in addition to the satisfaction of supporting the Library, volunteers get free books!
How to volunteer:
- Email us
- Call the library at (408) 262-1171 ext. 3616 and leave your name and contact information
- Sign up at the Information Desk on the 2nd floor of the library